Diversity Reviewer Database Frequently Asked Questions


For those interested in participating in proposal reviews:

Do I qualify to appear in the directory for the Diversity Reviewer Database as a potential reviewer?

To have a reviewer profile included in the Diversity Reviewer Database, you must be a professional or early career member of SRCD and you must currently hold a doctorate or other terminal degree (Ph.D., D.P.H., S.Sc., J.D. or L.L.D., Ed.D., M.D., D.O., Sc.D.). If you do not meet these requirements, you will receive an error message. You may enter the information needed for a reviewer profile in the Diversity Reviewer Database at any time.

How do I start a reviewer profile?

Navigate to the Diversity Reviewer Database homepage. Then, log in with your SRCD account credentials. Be sure to have PDF versions of your CV and any biosketches you would like included.

Start your Reviewer Profile

What information will I need to complete my reviewer profile?

You will need to upload a PDF version of your CV and any biosketches you would like to be included (biosketches are optional). You will also be required to complete the Additional Areas of Expertise and Methodological Expertise sections of the Expertise tab.

How do I edit the demographic information in my reviewer profile?

You may need to update your Current Institution Affiliation or other demographic information on the Expertise tab of the reviewer profile. To do this:

  1. Select the Edit Profile button at the top of the Reviewer Profile page. This will take you to your SRCD Account page.
  2. Select Update My Demographics under Contact Information on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. Fill in your demographic information and select Save at the bottom of the page.
  4. Select Return to Previous Page to return to the reviewer profile.

Who has access to my reviewer profile?

You will have the opportunity to choose which agencies and foundations you would like to have access to your reviewer profile on the Activate your Reviewer Profile tab. Once you have indicated the agencies and foundations that will have permission to access your reviewer profile, please be sure to check the final box to allow your profile to be searchable, and save the reviewer profile. If you do not select Allow my profile to be searched by the agencies, offices, and foundations I have designated, your profile will be saved, but Scientific Review Officers at the designated agencies and foundations will not be able to review it.

NOTE: If you choose the option to allow all interested government and private funders to have access to your profile information, you are giving access to all currently listed agencies and foundations. We may add additional agencies and foundations in the future as well. By checking this option, you are giving permission to all potential future approved funders as well to access your profile.

I meet the qualifications, but I am getting a message that I am missing one or more requirements needed for my Reviewer Profile to be visible to funders. How do I fix this?

If you have recently renewed your membership, upgraded your membership, or added your degree to My Demographics, you may need to clear the cache on your internet browser. If you need help with this step, please contact membership@srcd.org. First, be sure that you qualify to appear in the Diversity Reviewer Database.

I don’t see a funding agency or foundation from which I have received funding.

Contact our Membership Associate at membership@srcd.org to add this agency or foundation to the list. You can complete the form and make your profile visible, then come back and edit your profile once the agency/foundation has been added.

Whom do I contact with further questions?

Please contact our Membership Associate at membership@srcd.org with any questions.

For Scientific Review Officers at funding organizations:

How do I gain access to the Diversity Reviewer Database and what information will I need to provide?

Contact our Membership Associate at membership@srcd.org to request access. They will send you a short form to complete in order to gain access to the database.

Can multiple people from my agency or foundation request separate login information?

Yes, but they will each need to get permission from SRCD to access the database.

How do I download information about potential reviewers?

Navigate to the Reviewer Directory and select all potential reviewers of interest from the list. Then, click Export Selected Reviewer Profiles. The data will export as a CSV spreadsheet.

Reviewers’ CVs and biosketches will not be included in this report. To download a PDF of all summary profile information, including CV and biosketches for specified reviewers, click "view/download" next to the document you'd like to download. If they have uploaded a biosketch, you can combine the CV and biosketch into a single PDF by clicking “Generate Combined PDF".

How can I use the reviewer information?

Terms of Use: Information obtained through this Diversity Reviewer Database may be used by Scientific Review Officers at authorized funding agencies and foundations ONLY and should be used respectfully and professionally for the sole purpose of identifying potential reviewers for review panels.

Details about SRCD’s members may not be shared with non-members or used for any commercial, political, or fundraising purposes. The CVs (and biosketches, if available) obtained by accessing this database should not be shared for any purpose other than the identification of reviewers to participate in an agency’s or foundation’s review panels.

For further information about the Privacy Policy that SRCD follows for SRCD members, please see Privacy Policy and/or Information Use policy.