Call for Nominations: 2019 Alexis Walker Award


Wiley is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Alexis Walker Award—a $5,000 prize presented for the best research in the Family Science field.

Alexis Walker held the Petersen Chair in Gerontology and Family Studies at Oregon State University, where she served as Co-Director of the School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences. She was a visionary and eminent leader in Family Studies, known for the vitality and interdisciplinary spirit she brought to the scholarship of aging, families, feminism, gender, and health.

The Award

This biannual prize provides an award of $5,000 to acknowledge excellence in family science scholarship. The Award is given as recognition of any distinguished contribution to path-breaking new research or innovative theory development in the family science field.

The fourth Alexis Walker Award will be presented at the annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations in November 2019 in Fort Worth, TX.


A nomination packet should be sent to the Wiley Executive Editor in Family Science, Jennifer Davison ( She will forward submissions to the Awarding Panel.

The nomination packet consists of the following:

  • A nomination letter of no more than 1,000 words (or, 2 pages), clearly stating the grounds for the nomination
  • A PDF of the nominated article published in a Wiley journal in 2017 or 2018
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae
  • The application form

Self-nominations are welcome!

Advice on what to include within a nomination statement

  • The nomination letter is important. The Awarding Panel uses this letter to assess the significance of the nominee’s contribution. Nomination letters should take the form of a narrative (1,000 words maximum), and provide evidence of the nominee’s merit for this recognition.
  • Provide information on why the individual has been nominated, describe the nominee’s distinguished contribution, and interpret the impact of their contribution on a broader (e.g., national or international) scale.
  • Use sub-headings to summarize the nominee’s primary contribution and highlight the significant journal articles, books, and other specific key contributions and developments outlined within the candidate’s CV which are relevant to this award. Briefly assess the anticipated outcome of the nominee’s current work. What is the next step in the nominee’s career trajectory, and what is likely to be accomplished?

If appropriate, relevant supporting documentary evidence (e.g., an account in the media of the impact of a particular project) may be included.

Conflicts of Interest

Nominators must declare all personal and professional conflicts of interest, e.g., if nominating a spouse/partner or other relation. Conflict of interest will not prevent acceptance of the nomination, but will be borne in mind by the Awarding Panel when considering the award. If there is found to be a conflict of interest that has not been declared, the nomination will be withdrawn.

Awarding Panel

The Awarding Panel will be appointed by Wiley and will consist of representatives from journals published by Wiley in the field of family science across disciplinary spectrums.

The panel will consider all submissions on the basis of:

  • Originality and innovation
  • Impact of the publication on the nominee’s area of specialization
  • Impact on students and colleagues
  • Overall evidence of the nominee’s achievement

*Deadline: July 1, 2019*