Call for Nominations: SRCD Journal Sociocultural Data Tracking Advisory Board
Nominations must be submitted via the Nomination Portal by June 30, 2021, 11:59pm EST
The SRCD Publications Committee is evaluating the implementation of its sociocultural policy with a pilot (and longer-term) data tracking project. To do this, we are seeking nominations for three Advisory Board members to help guide the process.
Bias in the science, and more specifically published psychological research is longstanding and pervasive. SRCD and its publications are committed to anti-racist practices in publishing and recognize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all parts of the publication process. As a means to attain these goals and be accountable, the Society adopted a publication wide sociocultural policy to ensure that SRCD's publications and its authors attend to sociocultural diversity and include specific demographic information regarding samples in abstracts and methods' sections of publications. Providing such information can advance science by interrogating generalizability and extending our prevailing knowledge base about development beyond WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic) samples.
Eligibility Requirements
- Self or other nominations will be accepted. Nominees must be SRCD members in good standing and hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent).
- Advisory Board members will be asked to dedicate approximately 2 hours/week of their time, although time commitments may vary early in the process.
To Nominate
All nominations must be submitted through the Sociocultural Data Tracking Advisory Board Nominations portal by June 30, 2021 at 11:59pm EST. For a self-nomination, please include a CV and a 500-word statement of interest and experience. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please submit the name of the nominee and a 500-word rationale of why the nominee should be selected for the task force. Contact information for all nominees will also be required.
How to use the Nomination site
- To begin a nomination, click on the link, “To start a new Nomination, please click here.” A pop-up search box will appear.
- In the pop-up box, search for the person you wish to nominate by their first or last name. The search results will appear below the search fields. Click the “Select” button next to the person’s name.
NOTE: If the name of the person you wish to nominate does not appear in the search results—or if no records are displayed—please email to troubleshoot.
- After selecting the name of your nominee, you will be taken to a nomination form, with the nominee’s name at the top of the page.
- Complete and submit the nomination form.
- Once you have submitted a nomination, you will see it listed in the “Edit Submission(s)” tab.
- If you wish to make changes to your submitted nomination, click the paper and pen icon next to the name of the nominee whose nomination you’d like to update. Changes can be made at any time up until the nomination deadline (June 30, 2021, 11:59pm ET). Make sure to click “Submit and Review” to record all changes! To submit more than one nomination, select the “Submission” tab at the top of the page and follow Steps 1-5 to create an additional nomination. You may repeat this process as many times as you’d like!
NOTE: When starting an additional nomination, you will likely see the information from the previous nomination you submitted in the form fields. That is okay. The submission fields are not cleared when starting a new nomination, but your previous nomination was saved and recorded when you clicked “Submit and Review.” All of your completed nominations will appear in the “Edit Submission(s)” tab.
Please send inquiries regarding the nomination site to
Nominations are due by 11:59pm EST, June 30, 2021. Publication Committee Co-Chairs Martin Ruck and Dawn Witherspoon will review applicants and select three nominees for the Advisory Board. All applicants will be contacted with decisions by August 20, 2021.
Please send questions/inquiries to Martin Ruck [] and Dawn Witherspoon [].