Call for Papers- Special Issue: Fathers and Children with Intellectual/Developmental Disability


Call for Papers- Special Issue: Fathers and Children with Intellectual/Developmental Disability

A special issue of the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (JIDR), guest-edited by Naomi Ekas, Jan Blacher, and Rebecca Giallo, will be devoted to empirical research studies of fathers raising children with intellectual disabilities including those individuals with autism spectrum disorder as well as ID. Research into the experiences of those caring for a child with a disability focuses almost exclusively on mothers, and there is a paucity of research that includes the perspectives of fathers. Family-focused research in the general population suggests that fathers play a unique role in raising their children and that their parenting experiences may be different than that of mothers. Moreover, the dynamics of the dyadic relationship between mothers and fathers may be especially important for children’s outcomes. Fortunately, newer statistical techniques (e.g., Actor Partner Interdependence Model) have allowed researchers to begin to examine how mothers and fathers affect one another.

This special issue aims to enrich our existing knowledge base on families raising children with intellectual/developmental disabilities by focusing on fathers as participants. A key goal is to capture fathers’ experiences across the lifespan by bring together a diverse collection of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, qualitative and mixed methods that include fathers of infants, preschoolers, children, adolescents, and adults.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Fathers of children with autism spectrum disorder
  • Father mental health and psychological well-being
  • Couple relationship functioning, difficulties, and conflict
  • Parenting experiences and behaviors of fathers
  • Cross-cultural experiences
  • Interventions involving fathers

Review papers that are exceptional in scope and innovation will be considered. We emphasize that papers involving individuals with ASD are also invited, as long as the ASD is co-morbid with ID.
Please make all submissions through Manuscript Central (under the ‘Contribute’ dropdown menu). The deadline for submission of papers is April 30, 2019.

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