Call for Proposals: 2021 Student and Early Career Council (SECC) Dissertation Research Funding Awards


Proposals must be submitted via the application site by Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 11:59pm EDT.


Proposal Deadline:
Saturday, May 1, 2021, 11:59pm Eastern

The Student and Early Career Committee (SECC) of the Society for Research in Child Development is pleased to announce its 13th annual competition for graduate student dissertation research funding. These non-renewable awards in the amount of up to $2,000 USD are given to doctoral students for dissertation research proposals that merit special recognition and display strong potential to contribute to the field of child development.

Submission Criteria:

  • Submissions should be in the proposal stage (i.e., not completed).
  • Award funds are to be used for research costs (e.g., participant incentives, standardized measures, research equipment) and/or methodological training (e.g., fees to attend a statistical workshop) needed to complete the dissertation.
  • All expenses must be justified as needed for the completion of the dissertation.


  • Applicants must be doctoral students in a field related to child development, in good standing with their university, and have their dissertation proposals approved by their advisor.
    • Students may apply for the award prior to dissertation committee approval, but funding will not be issued until the research project has been approved by the dissertation committee and the university's Institutional Review Board.
  • Applicants must be SRCD student members at the time of application and membership must be maintained throughout the award period
    • International members and members from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
    • Consistent with the SRCD initiative to improve multidisciplinary collaboration in the child development field, applications that reflect multidisciplinary research aims and/or are from non-traditional disciplines are encouraged to apply.

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