Call for Proposals: 2026 Special Topic Meeting
SRCD is pleased to announce a new call for proposals for its 2026 Special Topic Meeting.
Call for 2026 Special Topic Meeting Proposals
SRCD is planning its 2026 Special Topic Meeting. The Society has a long tradition of offering special topic meetings in the off years of its Biennial Meeting. Special topic meetings provide the opportunity for a more intimate convening and focused examination of a specific topic of interest to the developmental science field.
In December, the SRCD Governing Council approved new guidelines (see below) for planning Special Topic Meetings in order to ensure that the process is equitable, impactful, and aligns with SRCD’s mission, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and advances its anti-racism principles.
One proposal will be selected for 2026. Proposals are due on January 24, 2025, and will require:
• a 1,000-word statement describing the approach to addressing the topic;
• biographical sketches and CVs or resumes of the proposed organizers;
• development plan for raising the minimum requirement of $50,000.