SRCD Asian Caucus Member Spotlight January 2019: Lisa Kiang, Ph.D., Wake Forest University

Lisa Kiang, Ph.D., Wake Forest University

This month, we are delighted to introduce Dr. Lisa Kiang ( as our member in spotlight. She is a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Wake Forest University. Dr. Kiang’s research focuses on self and identity, family and social relationships, and culture. Major themes include: (1) Relational approaches to self and identity: for example, how self-evaluations and social identifications vary across relationships (e.g., parents, same-ethnic peers, different-ethnic peers) and ultimately influence adjustment; and (2) Protective influences in development: With a focus on youth from ethnic minority backgrounds, she is interested in uncovering ways to promote healthy well-being and more adaptive social relationships. Does cultural background or ethnic identification have a protective role in development? What are the precise mechanisms by which these positive effects occur (e.g., through a deeper sense of social belonging or purpose in life)? Read the full Member Spotlight.

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