The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) publishes three journals, as well as the Social Policy Report. SRCD members receive full digital access to all three journals as a benefit of membership. If you are an SRCD member and would like to access the publications, please log in to your SRCD member account.
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Statement on Anti-racism, Equity, and Inclusion in SRCD Publications
As our highly regarded journals are perhaps the most public-facing element and explicitly gatekeeping mechanism of the SRCD enterprise, we must critically examine the extent to which our journals, Editors and Editorial Boards, reviewers and review standards, and Publications Committee activities implement practices and policies grounded in inclusive and anti-racist principles. Read the full statement.

Monographs are extended works, focused on specialized topics, judged to make significant contributions to SRCD's mission—advancing the developmental sciences and promoting the use of developmental research to improve human lives. As of 2019, each issue of Monographs is accompanied by helpful teaching, scholarship, and outreach resources, published in the companion website, Monograph Matters.

Social Policy Report
SRCD brings the science of child development to public policy through the production of the Social Policy Report.