Event Details

At this time, we anticipate that this special topic meeting will be taking place on-site in St. Louis, MO. Therefore, all presenters will be expected to attend in person. The conference hotel, Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark, has instituted Hilton CleanStayprotocols to ensure a safe experience for their guests.  

Download the Call for Submissions

The deadline for submissions has passed. 

Innovative Submission formats include:

Plenary Submission

These submitted parts of the conference program seek teams of integrative multi-sector, multidisciplinary research. They will provide examples of how transdisciplinary, multisector research is done.  For example, a plenary submission would describe research that is already integrative and transdisciplinary. Such submissions and plenary sessions will emphasize methods and mechanisms for launching and sustaining the research team. Presenters from the Plenary Sessions will be moderators and mentors of the Working Roundtables. Plenary Panel sessions will be 90 minutes, with each talk averaging 15-20 minutes.

Join a Working Roundtable

These submissions are from those who are interested in developing new collaborations across sectors, theoretical orientations, or methodologies submitters are asked to describe their most interesting research findings that they believe will be of most interest to those from other disciplinary backgrounds and the other methodological, theoretical, or disciplinary backgrounds with whom they would most like to collaborate. For these submissions, you will present your findings in an accessible way that allows for deep discussion and integration among others with common interests. You can submit as a team or as an individual submission. The conference organizers will construct roundtables based on commonalities among developmental topics and/or processes, but different theoretical or methodological orientations. Further, conference organizers might request that these presentations be exhibited as brief video clips, posters, discussion boards or other interactive and engaging modalities. Working Roundtable sessions will be 110 minutes.

Policy, Practitioner, and Funder Submission

Are you working directly in the field as a practitioner, or in the policy arena? Do you have ideas about what practitioners and policy want and need from a more integrative developmental science? Are you a funder who is looking to shape the next generation of research in the developmental sciences? These submissions will pose the most pressing issues for which more integrative developmental sciences could provide insight and describe how their sites are focused on or interested in a stronger connection between science and practice. Further, Policy and Practitioner Submissions may express an interest in becoming a collaborative site for integrative research that may be developed at the conference. Presentations will average 15-20 minutes.

Individual Poster Presentation

Do you have findings you want to be part of the discourse but are not ready to commit to a working roundtable? This is intended to increase the diversity of voices included at the conference. These are individual, free-standing research presentations. They are the appropriate format when the material can be explained briefly, is suited for graphic or visual presentation, and/or the presenter would benefit from high levels of interaction and discussion. Poster presentations will be organized by topic and/or sector. Poster presentations will occur in conjunction with the Working Roundtables to maximize interactive discussions among attendees who share common interests but different disciplinary, methodological, or theoretical lenses. Posters will be visited by attendees 30 minutes in advance of the Working Roundtable.